We all need a tribe, a group of people who are like-minded and committed to being their very best and that's what this group is all about. My goal is to encourage you, and partner with you to unleash the God given potential already inside of you! I have several levels of coaching to fit your budget and growth goals, check them out below.
I guarantee if you give me one year and commit to being part of this community, you will not be disappointed in the person you grow into.

Inner Circle All Access

For only $49/month, All Access gives you exclusive bonus content from Real Talk Kim and a greater level of accessibility.

All Access Members Get All Inner Circle Benefits:

  • Exclusive Weekly Teachings
  • Daily Devotionals With Encouragement
  • Access To A Private Facebook Group
  • Exclusive Discounts On RTK Style
  • Access That Years Recordings Any Time
  • Invitation To The Bi-Annual Inner Circle Retreat
  • Content That Is Exclusive To This Community


  • Access To Every Masterclass
  • 1x/Month Bonus Call With Q&A
  • Special Guest Speakers During Our Monthly Bonus Call


The Inner Circle

For only $20/month being part of The Inner Circle gets you exclusive content and encouragement from Real Talk Kim every single week.

Inner Circle Benefits Include:

  • Exclusive Weekly Teachings
  • Daily Devotionals With Encouragement
  • Access To A Private Facebook Group

  • Exclusive Discounts On RTK Style
  • Access That Years Recordings Any Time
  • Invitation To The Bi-Annual Inner Circle Retreat
  • Content That Is Exclusive To This Community


A few things to know about RTK Inner Circle:

Reoccurring Payment

When you sign up for the Inner Circle or All Access, you are agreeing to reoccurring payments every 30 days after your initial sign up.You may cancel this at any time in your profile settings. If you have questions, please email [email protected].

Access to the Site

This site is subscription-based and as long as you are subscribed, you will have access to the content. This subscription does not included physical copies or access to devotions after you are no longer subscribed.

Facebook Group

If you choose to take part of the RTK Inner Circle Facebook Group, you will be accepted once you have enrolled in the course & ask to join. Your request will be accepted in a timely manner. If you are no longer a monthly subscriber, you will be removed from the Facebook Group.